Use these 10 free Strategy Planning Templates to analyse markets, evaluate expansion, access risk, identify opportunities, set goals & more!
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Join us at Smart Country Convention from 15th to 17th October in Berlin. Read more
Use these 10 free Strategy Planning Templates to analyse markets, evaluate expansion, access risk, identify opportunities, set goals & more!
The Ansoff Matrix or the product market expansion grid is a framework you can use to identify new opportunities for business growth. Use the free template.
The strategy diamond is a simple model for creating a business strategy outline. We dive into the different sections of the model & provide examples.
The Kano model is a framework used by product teams to strategically prioritize product features based on customer satisfaction. Use the free Template!
Try the Johari Window Model to gain a greater understanding of who you are and how others see you in a professional capacity. Use the free template
The Plus Delta template is designed to simplify collecting feedback. It’s divided into two columns: what worked and what should be changed.
Explore these 7 Ultimate Product Development Templates for Every Stage of your Product Development Process.
I like, I wish, what if is a technique used in design thinking to gather actionable feedback on prototypes or design sprints. See 3 steps of this technique.
Using the Mad Sad Glad technique, the team is encouraged to talk about what led to them feeling annoyed (mad), disappointed (sad) or satisfied (glad).