DNS Outage: Management Statement

DNS Outage Thank you to our customers for their understanding

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Dear Conceptboard Customers,

Many of you were affected by service restrictions at Conceptboard for several days starting March 21, 2024.

As of the publication of this post, the situation has been largely resolved.

A fire in a data center of one of our DNS service providers resulted in some of our customer environments being temporarily inaccessible. Additionally, several internal processes were affected, including the ability to receive emails from you.

We would like to emphasise that the cause of the disruption was a failure of a name resolution. The global Domain Name System (DNS) could no longer find our services. Neither our customer environments nor any other of our systems were affected. There was neither data loss nor a data breach. Data protection and data security were guaranteed at all times.

Nevertheless, the impact on you, our affected customers, was significant.

Immediately upon becoming aware of the disruption, we worked tirelessly to eliminate the interruption for you as quickly as possible. However, a lock-in effect with the DNS service provider made it impossible for us to restore name resolution without the support of the DNS service provider. This support was denied to us by the DNS service provider.

In parallel, we developed workarounds to keep our services and customer environments accessible despite the DNS restrictions. Many customers actively supported us in this effort. One of these workarounds is the temporary access through the domain conceptboard.eu.

In this way, we were able to offer every customer at least one workaround for accessing the systems. Communication was carried out on all remaining channels available to us, such as social media.

We understand that the service interruption and limited communication led to disruptions in your work processes and a lot of frustration. We are very sorry for this and would like to sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused.

At the same time, we would like to thank the many customers with whom we were able to implement workarounds and solutions together and in a very short time to keep the service available for customer groups and make it available again.

Thank you for your cooperation and support during this difficult time.

We hereby assure you that we are doing everything we can to ensure that such an incident does not happen again in the future.

We will keep you promptly informed about further developments here.

With warm regards,
H. Schmitz, CEO

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DNS Outage: Management Statement

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