Accessibility Statement

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Last modified: December 6, 2024This accessibility statement applies to the specialized application provided at strive to make our websites and mobile applications accessible in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Disability Equality Act (BGG) and the Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0) implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102.

Level of Compliance with Accessibility Requirements

Materna Signet 11-2024

The accessibility requirements are derived from §§ 3 paragraphs 1 to 4 and 4 of the BITV 2.0, which were issued based on § 12d of the BGG.

The review of compliance with these requirements is based on an evaluation conducted by Materna Information & Communications SE in November 2024 in accordance with legal regulations and global standards (EN 301 549, BITV 2.0).

Based on this review, the website partially complies with the aforementioned requirements due to the following exceptions.

The following content is not accessible:

  • Images and graphic functions partially lack meaningful alternative text.
  • The programmatically determined heading hierarchy sometimes deviates from the page’s structural content.
  • Labels for input fields are not always programmatically detectable.
  • Contrast requirements are not consistently met.
  • Not all content is implemented responsively.
  • Additional content displayed when elements receive pointer or keyboard focus cannot always be closed without shifting the focus.
  • When using assistive technologies, users sometimes need to switch modes (e.g., for navigating and editing board elements or operating some controls).
  • Certain controls and content are not accessible via keyboard.
  • Keyboard shortcuts consisting of a single character cannot be disabled or customized by users.
  • The focus order is not always logical.
  • The focus is not consistently visible during keyboard navigation.
  • In the mobile view, zooming is only possible using multi-point gestures, with no alternative single-point gesture available.
  • Not all controls have an accessible name that matches the visible name.
  • Some parts of the page are written in a different language but are not properly marked as such.
  • Error messages in forms are not detectable by assistive technologies.
  • Input fields are not always sufficiently visibly labeled.
  • The HTML syntax is not consistently valid.
  • Name, role, or state of all controls are not always detectable by assistive technologies (e.g., screen readers).
  • Status messages are not appropriately announced for assistive technologies.
  • User-defined text size settings are only partially supported.
  • The creation of accessible content by users is insufficiently supported.
  • Conversion of content into other formats results in the loss of accessibility-related information.
  • None of the available templates are marked as accessible.
  • Not all PDF documents are accessible.


We are continuously working to improve the specialized application but have not yet been able to make all content and services digitally accessible due to the volume of material. We are committed to removing all barriers for people with disabilities as quickly as possible.

Date of Declaration

This declaration was created on December 6, 2024.

Contact and Feedback

Would you like to inform us about existing barriers or request information on implementing accessibility? Feel free to contact us at

Mediation Procedure

If no satisfactory solution is found after providing feedback to the above contact, you may reach out to the mediation office under § 16 BGG. The Mediation Office BGG facilitates out-of-court dispute resolution on accessibility issues between individuals with disabilities and federal public authorities. The procedure is free of charge, and no legal representation is required. Further information on the mediation process and application options can be found at:

You can contact the Mediation Office at:

Mediation Office under the Federal Disability Equality Act
c/o Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities
Mauerstraße 53
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 18 527-2805


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