The lessons learned template is a great project management tool to capture project failures & successes. Use our visual template today!
Experience how Conceptboard boosts your team’s
collaboration and communication.
Join us at Smart Country Convention from 15th to 17th October in Berlin. Read more
The lessons learned template is a great project management tool to capture project failures & successes. Use our visual template today!
Use our visual, cost benefit analysis template to prioiritize your tasks, and collaboratively analyse and weigh costs and projected benefits.
Risks are inevitable in today’s volatile marketplace. By providing a simple visualization of potential risks, you can easily see which ones are high priority and which ones can be ignored – for now.
The 4Ps of marketing is a simple way of thinking about marketing plans across four main areas: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion.
Creating a Customer Empathy Map builds empathy towards your targeted audience to identify your users’ needs and pain-points to help your design process.
5 Design Thinking tools which will help you gather the multitude of ideas and share it with your team. The free templates will offer the chance to write down your thoughts in a nice way.
MoSCoW prioritization is a popular method used to help identify and manage competing project priorities & align stakeholders. Use our free template & guide.
Our collaborative product roadmap templates are easy to create, edit and share. Each template has been designed to provide a visual overview of the project
A product backlog is a scrum artefact that encapsulates the complete list of work that needs to happen as a part of an agile project. Free template & guide.