How DB Cargo Logistics combines creativity and mobile working with Conceptboard

DB Cargo x Conceptboard

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No industry has a more profound understanding on the importance of keeping things moving than the logistics sector. Digitalisation and change not only affect the transport of goods on the rail, but also internal work processes. To continue working creatively together in times of remote work and a digital work environment, DB Cargo Logistics uses Conceptboard. The online whiteboard brings employees closer together in an uncomplicated way, enables them to collaborate on projects regardless of their location, and creates creative space.

DB Cargo Logistics, a subsidiary of DB Cargo, specialises in rail logistics and develops logistics solutions beyond mere rail transport. The company focuses on the automotive, timber, pulp and paper, as well as consumer goods sectors. The complex field of activity requires constant out-of-the-box thinking for new logistics concepts, methods, and customised solutions.

Driving location-wide collaboration with Conceptboard

The shift toward digital and mobile working has significantly increased the need for software that facilitates creative collaboration across different locations. DB Cargo Logistics sought an uncomplicated and user-friendly solution to bring its teams closer together. Particularly for structuring new topics, working across locations, and developing requirements digitally.

Collaborating intuitively with Conceptboard

After an extensive testing phase, DB Cargo Logistics chose Conceptboard. The tool’s intuitive application was a convincing criterion, as working with Conceptboard is easy and straightforward. With a variety of pre-designed templates, the tool contributes to advancing creative exchange and changing perspectives, which creates new impulses. The uncomplicated onboarding of the collaboration tool and the support provided by Conceptboard’s customer service also convinced the DB Cargo Logistics team. Given Conceptboard is fully compliant with data protection regulations, it’s the obvious choice when handling highly sensitive customer data.  

When choosing a collaboration tool, it should be as versatile as possible to allow new processes to develop naturally.

Discovering numerous ways to utilise Conceptboard

It quickly became apparent that Conceptboard offers a wide range of possibilities for virtual collaboration: the voting function allows for faster decision-making. Additionally, presentations can be conducted using Conceptboard. The various options for structuring boards with so-called sections make it easy to present content in a clear and organised manner, especially in moderation mode.

“Conceptboard offers excellent guidance through workshops or projects.” – Hanna Reich, Project Manager at DB Cargo Logistics.

In addition to its use in workshops or as support and documentation during brainstorming, Conceptboard is equally suitable for gathering feedback or agile project management. With its unified interface, all employees can join at their own level, learn the system, and make use of it.

To embark on new paths, one must change perspectives and seek inspiration. Utilising ready-made templates is particularly effective in achieving this goal.

Here are some of DB Cargo’s favourite templates: 

“Conceptboard provides us with an environment where we can not only collaborate but also be creative. Above all, the templates provide inspiration and thereby promote creativity. Finally, the fact that we can brainstorm together on Conceptboard easily convinced everyone.“ – Hanna Reich, Project Manager at DB Cargo Logistics

DB Cargo Logistics chooses safe cooperation with Conceptboard

A software which can be used by the entire company needs a bulletproof guarantee when it comes to data protection. Conceptboard is a market leader in terms of data privacy, allowing users to engage in their processes without concerns. All security questions are covered and thoroughly controlled by Conceptboard. This ensures that nothing can go wrong in digital collaboration. 

Security always takes precedence. When choosing a collaboration software, you need to set the right priorities ­­­­­­­­– especially when it comes to data protection standards. 

DB Cargo Logistics has discovered a new standard in collaboration with Conceptboard, enjoying both fun and success in exploring new paths.

If you want to discover more about how Conceptboard has empowered other organisations to boost productivity and efficiency, explore our customer success stories.

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How DB Cargo Logistics combines creativity and mobile working with Conceptboard

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